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Advise the patient that flomax should not be used in combination with strong inhibitors of cyp3a4 see warnings and precautions and drug interactions .

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Along with its needed effectstamsulosinthe active ingredient contained in Flomaxmay cause some unwanted effectsAlthough not all of these side effects may occurif they do occur they may need medical attention.

If you take too muchTaking too much of this drug can cause low blood pressureThis can be dangerous.

Tamsulosin is used by men to treat the symptoms of an enlarged prostatebenign prostatic hyperplasia-BPHIt does not shrink the prostatebut it works by relaxing the muscles in the prostate and the bladderThis helps to relieve symptoms of BPH such as difficulty in beginning the flow of urineweak streamand the need to urinate often or urgentlyincluding during the middle of the night

Flomax is used to improve urination in men with benign prostatic hyperplasiaenlarged prostate

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