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Down syndrome and Fragile X syndrome are the most common genetic causes of mental retardationProblems during pregnancy and birth Rubellainfection in pregnant mother Iodine deficiency in mothers Malnutrition is a common cause of reduced intelligence in children.

Iq the intelligence quotient as measured by intelligence tests are being carried out by trainned psychologists.

The preparation is mainly removed in urine as metabolites onlyMebeverine is removed completely within days after a single doseThe body does not cumulate this constituent.

In appointing of the preparation during pregnancy must be weighed the profit to the mother and the possible danger to the fetusWhen administered in therapeutic doses Mebeverine does not penetrate into breast milktherefore its usage during lactation is allowed.

Here are some homoeopathic remedies for the treatment of mental retardationAll you have to keep in mind is to treat this article as a guide and take medicines only under the guidance of a certified and trained homeopath.

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