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Tonsillitis can be caused acute infection of the tonsilsand several types of bacteria or virusesfor examplestrep throat or mononucleosisThere are two types of tonsillitisacute and chronicAcute tonsillitis lasts from one to two weeks while chronic tonsillitis can last from months to years.
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Hypersensitivity reactions associated with cephalosporin class antibiotics have included allergic reactionsanaphylaxisStevens-Johnson syndromeerythema multiformeand toxic epidermal necrolysisAdverse effects reported during postmarketing experience with cefdinirthe active ingredient contained in Omnicefregardless of causalityhave included anaphylaxiswith rare cases of fatalityserum sickness-like reactionsStevens-Johnson syndromeand toxic epidermal necrolysisRef]
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rnless serious omnicef side effects may include rnconstipation, loss of appetite, bloating, gas, upset stomach;rnnausea, vomiting, stomach pain, mild diarrhea;rnheadache, dizziness;rnstiff or tight muscles;rnfeeling restless or hyperactive;rndry mouth;rnunusual or unpleasant taste in your mouth;rndiaper rash in an infant taking liquid omnicef;rnmild itching or skin rash; orrnvaginal itching or discharge.
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