Depuis quelques annA�es un phA�nomA?ne est apparu , le tourisme esthA�tique Les destinations les...
Highly skilled surgeon specializing in plastic and cosmetic surgery, former assistant at the University Hospital, Faculty of Medicine of Tunis, formed by the hands of masters teachers in Tunis and Paris, Dr. Gharbi nedra exercises plastic, reconstructive and cosmetic surgery for many years and enjoys an excellent reputation in the medical environment, it is listed on the board of the Association of Physicians.
Her career and his training in cosmetic surgery in France allowed her to build a skill known and recognized by his peers.
Depuis quelques annA�es un phA�nomA?ne est apparu , le tourisme esthA�tique Les destinations les...
Les kits maison DE MA�DECINE ESTHA�TIQUE La nouvelle tendance du moment, c'est les soins esthA�tiques...
Le principe de la liposuccion des surcharges adipeuses a A�tA� mis au point par...
The positioning of the breast prosthesis dual plane is a procedure described in 2001 by John Tebbetts, plastic surgeon (Texas, USA). technology currently in vogue, because of his natural cosmetic results compared to other techniques. The lodge of the prosthesis, is summarily placement of the prosthesis in its upper part behind the muscle, and the […]
If you desire a modest increase in breast size, you are a good candidate for fat grafting to the breast, but your breasts should already have a nice shape and good skin tone. If you have poor skin, sagging breasts, or want a significant increase in breast size, breast augmentation with fat transfer is not […]
It is possible, from a simple blood test, manufacture preparations that will be fluids concentrated with growth factors. These autologous preparations, obtained will be used for the patient who has been performed the blood (hence the name lifting vampire …). Isolated PRP in the face acts as a booster injection, improving the quality of the […]