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Information about Shatavari.
Shatavari is used as a folk remedy for diarrheaDiarrhea may cause serious problemssuch as dehydration and electrolyte imbalance.
A liquid dose of shatavari extract is usually diluted in water or juice and ingested up to three times a day.
Shatavari contains both the bitter and sweet tastes and has nourishingsoothingand cooling properties that help with many conditions when the body and mind are overheateddepletedor out of balance.
The Shatavari plant is a thorny climbing vinewith white fragrant flowers and red berriesit is relatively abundant in many parts of IndiaThe part of the plant used as both food and as an herbal supplement is the rootwhich has a long white tuber12 All herbal companies have a choice in gathering Shatavarilike most other herbsthey can be harvested on private farms where sustainability can be managedor they may be wild-harvested legally from their natural habitatsand sometimes they are taken illegallythreatening long-term sustainabilityTo ensure sustainabilityBanyan sources Shatavari that has been cultivated on privately owned farms.
In this articlewe look at the useshealth benefitsand side effects of shatavariand whether it is safe to take during pregnancy.
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men and women alike use shatavari rasyana for all kinds of vata dry and pitta heat conditions such as fever, heartburn, acidity, ulcers, diarrhea, irritable bowel syndrome, and inflammation of the liver, kidneys or lungs.
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